Amanda & David: "Don't settle for anything less than butterflies!"

JDate is responsible for more Jewish marriages than all other dating sites combined! But we’ve got more than just statistics to back it up. In our “Success Stories” feature, you’ll meet real couples who found love online.

Amanda & David

How did you meet? What was your first date like? Give us all the details!
David’s dad had first created his account in hopes that he would meet a nice Jewish girl. After comical dates on other dating sites, he gave JDate a shot and sent me a brief message. My mom was very convincing of the fact that I should try online dating and even bought me a few books about the subject that she had pre-read, highlighted and sticky tabbed. I created a profile on JDate (while living in Alabama) since I was in the process of moving back to Florida and knew quite a few sorority sisters that met their husbands on the site.

Amanda_David03Little did I know that I would be living less than a mile away from my future husband. On October 3, 2014, we met in person and had our first real date. A date that started as a quick lunch while my car was in the shop, turned into an all-day adventure on the lake and lasting until dinner. After our lunch at Panera discussing our education and work history, we went out on a nearby lake on David’s jet-ski. When David was pulling the ski back on the trailer, I caught a glance of him in the rear-view mirror; at that moment, I knew that I could see myself marrying David. I also believe in signs and how the universe communicates its message to you. When we were in David’s car I glanced at the Jeep dashboard and it said “Since 1941,” this struck me as such a coincidence- my dad was born in 1941 and had an antique car with the license plate “It’s a 41.” My dad had passed away in 2013 from a quick diagnosis of cancer. I knew this was his way of telling me, he’s something special. We instantly clicked and knew that this was the real deal. I called my mom early the next morning and told her, “He’s perfect, I know I’m going to marry him.” Little did I know, David had called his parents and told them the same thing.

Amanda_David01Our connection grew quickly and easily turned into love. JDate connected two people that were meant to be together when they otherwise never would have crossed paths. On February 15, 2015, David planned a brunch to gather our families together. After brunch on a clear blue sky day, David proposed with a gorgeous ring inside a box of chocolates. He even made sure my nails were painted that day, an important detail that he took note of.

We find it more and more common that young Jewish singles are finding their true love through JDate. We are so fortunate that our paths crossed because of this dating site. On February 20, 2016, we said “I Do” and were married by our Rabbis at a beautiful wedding with 200 of our closest family and friends. We are blessed for what the past two years have brought into our life and can’t wait to create more beautiful memories together.

Amanda_David02Describe the moment you knew it was true love!
I think the moment that we both realized this was more than just dating was the morning after our first date. We both had such clarity in our hearts and had shared with our family that we had found our beshert. We hadn’t shared that with each other quite yet, but as our relationship grew that week, we both could tell.

What advice would you give other JDaters?
Don’t be discouraged by bad dates! You may have to wait for the right person to come along, but in the end, it will be worth it. Don’t settle for anything less than butterflies!

Did you find love online? Submit your story to share how you met your soulmate on JDate.

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