Dear JDate,
We had a true JDate experience — with tons of email, late-night phone calls and text messages from afar — over the course of about 10 days before I put my foot down and said, “enough is enough, I’ve got to meet this man.” At which point, we had a terribly romantic and awkward first date. I traveled from Longmeadow, Massachusetts to a bitter cold day in Burlington, Vermont for lunch. After about four hours of lunch and a freezing cold visit to the dog park, with just a fleeting affectionate moment, my now soul mate was convinced that the date was a bust and “wasn’t going to go anywhere.” Of course, this was not because he wasn’t enjoying himself, but because I was so darn nervous and he kept thinking I didn’t really laugh or smile much. That all happened on Tuesday, December 21, 2004.
Two days later, after I’d finally gotten across to him that I had an absolutely wonderful time, I invited him down to stop by my home on his way to his folks’ place. He arrived at 8pm on December 23rd after a long day of work. He thought he might simply stay for dinner, but from the moment he walked in, I knew he’d stay for a lifetime. Day after day, the second date continued.
He never made it down to New York for the rest of his travels, and that second date ended after 16 days. We stayed in Massachusetts for about 12 days and then, realizing he needed to tend to his photography business, headed back up to Vermont together and shared our first New Year’s with many of his friends, and my (soon to be) new community.
I now live in a beautiful little home in wonderful Vermont with Jordan and our dog Madelyn. Having lived in NYC, Chicago, Boston and Israel, I can say I’m now finally home, in so many ways!
I remember signing up for JDate the same night I bought a digital router. The router had a rebate, and I wondered if it was the same for the boy I may meet. Three months to the date of the first email, March 12, 2005, Jordan asked me to marry him. Our wedding was September 18, 2005. With pride (and a little cringing), I know friends and family won’t be able to help making tons of JDate pokes and references. We thought of t-shirts for our wedding: “Internet Love” and “Product of Internet Dating.”
I have seen huge billboards in NYC of JDaters and happy to also be a true story and advocate in any way, shape, or form.
Thank you for making JDate so great!
Alisa & Jordan
Longmeadow, Massachusetts and Burlington, Vermont
just needed to write how very much i really liked browsing this!