In my eyes, fall is the most perfect season of the year! Crisp fresh air, but never too cold. Warm sun, but never too hot. There is no melted snow to deal with like in spring, yet autumn is also host to a world of new beginnings: back to school, the Jewish New Year and, of course, atonement of our sins on Yom Kippur.
With all of these brand new starts, what better time for brand new love to bloom than fall? With a fresh slate, relationships and connections can only deepen and strengthen. If you are on date number two, three or four, these fall date ideas are ones you must make. Coffee and dinner are nice and safe, but sometimes you have to put the doldrums of everyday habits aside and try something new for date night!
1. Foliage Trips
The most beautiful part about fall is the trees. For those of you suffering without too much green landscape, I feel for you. As fall comes upon us, watching the leaves change color is one of the most precious times of the year. Taking a trip to see foliage is a fantastic date idea for many reasons. The beautiful sightseeing, the peacefulness of the atmosphere and the fresh, crisp air leaves plenty of space for conversations and connections that can help love to grow. This date is also a nice litmus test to see how the two of you can connect without drinks, nightlife and time restrictions. Will you two still connect with an open-ended day of foliage sightseeing as opposed to an evening-only dinner date? It’s time to find out.
2. Halloween Parties
What better way to let your hair down together and have a little fun than at an adult Halloween party? You don’t have to don a sexy costume (although you both certainly can if you want to), but it’s nice to “change identities” and have fun together. The food, drinks and costumes will make the two of you relax and feel less restricted, and the social atmosphere will help the two of you learn a bit about how you both respond to other people. This is a good thing. You want to see how your potential new mate treats and reacts to people he or she knows … or doesn’t know!
3. Camping
There’s a joke that Jews don’t camp, but perhaps with the fall weather, you won’t mind feeling like you are “back in the desert.” With a romantic night sky and the tech-free atmosphere, it’s a great way to connect further. How distracting is technology in our love lives? Incredibly so! For those of you who prefer to not rough it, find a campground with showers or cozy cabins instead of tent campsites.
4. Wineries
Ladies love wine … even ladies who aren’t big drinkers! So if you’re a man reading this, pay attention. If you’re a woman, suggest this idea for your next date. Wineries are an easy, quick trip, and they make for a nice date because you can just make it a day at the winery or extend the trip into a B&B-style overnight trip. After all, a glass of vino is always a good way to set the mood for a romantic date.
Live fall to the fullest this year by going on some fun and exciting excursions with your sweetheart. These seasonal date ideas offer a unique way to get to know your date even better and find out if you two really connect.
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