Rachel & Samuel: "I had no idea he was my bashert!"

Rachel and Samuel’s story started off with a coffee and a moonlit walk. They then dated for five years and have been married for one. Jdate is thrilled to have played a part in their love story and wishes them every happiness. Mazel tov!

Tell us all about your story! The more details the better!

We first met in person at a Starbucks, just to get to know each other a bit better. After a great conversation, we both knew there would be a second date.

For that next date – which we consider our first real date together – we brought a picnic dinner to Newport Beach and watched the sun set. Afterward, we walked around Balboa Island in the moonlight.

Describe the moment you knew it was true love!

For me, it was a gradually building feeling… every time I got ready to go meet Sammy, I felt those butterflies, and I was always so much happier when I was around him! All of my family and friends agreed and told me how much I glowed when I talked about Sammy.

Probably the “moment” I knew he was it was when he had to go live in Okinawa, Japan for 3 months to finish his training for grad school. It was so tough to let him go! I realized then how much he meant to me, and I prayed that we would overcome the time difference and distance until he returned to the States.

Well, it wasn’t easy, but we made it through and are still in love after 5 years of dating and nearly 1 year of marriage!

What advice would you give other Jdate members?

Go with your gut. Sammy was the reason I joined Jdate – I saw his profile doing a search of guys in my area before signing up and thought he was really cute. I had no idea he was my bashert!

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